
A sound and visual journey, full of spirituality and philosophy, which starts from the discovery and the journey towards oneself as a Belgian artist, of Tchado/Belgo/Congolese origins, born and raised in a working class neighborhood of Brussels, capital of Europe. ID.entity is an hybrid project of live performance, the main thread of which is an allegorical tale inspired by questions about identity, mixing music, technology and video projection. It is about encounters, discoveries, sharing in music, images and ideas.
What are the links between an individual identity with multiple facets, product of a globalized society, and a collective identity of a universal nature?
At the origin of this project there is a questioning on the capacity that our identity can have to bring us closer to the other, to the others, those whose ideas, beliefs, and sometimes even simply the appearance are foreign to us.
Although our identity is composed in large part of elements that we did not choose, there remains an important part that is the result of our choices and our construction. It is the contextual, relational, plural part of our identity, the one that also comes from our creativity.
The Purpose
The purpose of this project is to share a calm, curious and creative vision of identity in these troubled times, where the harmful mix between the notions of community, integration and assimilation has become explosive and divisive.
Questioning the notion of identity through music, video and technology, philosophy and spirituality. To open up to the world, and to oneself, to build tomorrow in universality and peace. And to consider the immense creative potential and the power of collective identities as long as they are humanistic.
To emphasize all those ways that allow us to envision the future with all those who do not resemble us physically, but especially philosophically and spiritually.
To put sounds and colors on what unites all these worlds of which we are made up and their common points.